Brian Servis wrote:
> *- On  3 Sep, Kent West wrote about "Re: Another try - help to fix arrow keys 
> in X"
> >   <snip about some keys not working in X>
> >
> >> So it looks like your keymap is all messed up.  Are you running xmodmap


> If you are not modifying the defaults in any way as you stated then I
> can only guess that your keycodes/xfree86 file is corrupt in some way.
> I grepped all the files in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/keycodes for DOWN and
> none showed a keycode of 116 for DOWN.  You might try reinstalling the
> xlib6g package(that contains the keycodes) and see if that fixes it.
> Strange,
> --
> Brian
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Purdue University         
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

WHOO-HOO!!! Yee-haa! Arrow go up; arrow go down; etc etc etc.

Apparently the FBDev (frame buffer device) X server (which I need for my
unsupported Rage128 card) doesn't work with the XKEYBOARD extension. I
uncommented the "XkbdDisable" line in my /etc/X11/XF86Config file and
now my keys work.

Man! That was a toughie!

Thanks for all your help!

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