"W. Paul Mills" wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam C Powell IV) writes:
> > William T Wilson wrote:
> >
> > > They probably aren't, but based on what you have to say here, I'd check
> > > and make sure that your network card isn't sharing an interrupt with your
> > >
> > > ide interface.
> >
> > Ahem, from the original post:
> >
> > Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> >
> > > Greetings,
> > > [snip]
> > > There shouldn't be an IRQ conflict, because the net cards are on IRQs 10
> > > and 5, and the ide0 and ide1 are at 14 and 15 respectively.  I tried
> > > network stop; ifconfig eth0 down; rmmod 3c59x; modprobe 3c59x; network
> > > start but the network is still dead.  It remains dead until I do a full
> > > halt and power down, after which it comes back- until the next disk
> > > access.
> >
> > Other ideas?
> Could be ioport conflict.
> I've seen times when boot-up messages were incorrect on IRQ settings.
> So it is wise to look around in "/proc" to verify everything.

Akhaa!  You are correct.  IRQ 10 on one ethernet card was shared with some 
device, and also with a PCI sound card which was installed about when this 
started happening.

Moving the cards around seems to have done the trick.  The sound card still 
with some other bridge device, I'll try moving it around and see if that helps. 
I were a little more adventurous I'd try assigning IRQs directly in the BIOS...)

> *********************** Running Debian Linux ***********************
> *   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
> *   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...    John 3:16  *
> * W. Paul Mills              *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.              *
> * EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/          *
> * Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
> ************* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? *************/


-Adam P.
(New creative .sig coming any day now...)

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