On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Tom Pfeifer wrote:


> Question: Was that possibly a Linux extended partition (type 85) as
> opposed to a DOS extnded partition? That would explain why DOS fdisk
> could delete it.

Yes, originally this computer was set up by me with linux only.  It was my
colleague who starte messing with DOS fdisk.  (Strictly speaking win98

> Question: Is there any guess as to what was on /dev/hda5 and /dev/hda6
> which are not accounted for?

These were probably win98 partitions.  /dev/hda5 may have the beginnings
of a win98 installation on it but keeping it is not important.

> I have used Norton's Disk Editor in the past to search for a sector when
> I have some knowledge of what's in that sector. For example, all
> partition sectors end with the signature "55 AA" as the last two bytes.
> However, even the newest version of the Disk Editor (from NU4) is not
> able to search a disk past 1023 cylinders (8 GB), and your disk is 17 GB

Bummer.  Perhaps there is a free or shareware disk editor that can do the
job?  (I was impressed by the Ranish Partition Manager you recommended and
will register it.)

> The best I can suggest right now is if you have a copy of Norton's Disk
> Editor around, post back and I can give you a rundown on how to search
> for that sector - understanding that it may not work because of the size
> of the disk.

Please do so.  I'll see if we can get a copy of Norton or find something
similiar on TUCOWS.

> Failing that, maybe someone reading this list knows a way to attack this
> problem using Linux tools. There's always a way, but it may come down to
> how much time and effort you and your colleague are willing to devote to
> this.

I think we'll give it a go.  Thanks once again for the help.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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