On Tue, 1999-09-14 22:10:09 -0700, Craig B wrote:
> I really like the way X works on my Hamm system.  The only complaint I
> have is with the font quality.  Sometimes they look fine for example as
> I type this message, and other times they look really crappy.  The
> biggest problem I have is with Netscape Navigator.  Sometimes the fonts
> are too small and sometimes they are just distorted.  I have tried all
> the font settings I can find.  I have seen other posts complaining about
> this and I understand there are some ways to improve the font quality.  

Maybe you've already tried this, but when I started with Netscape 4.51
on both hamm and slink I also found the fonts were much too small for an
1152x864 screen.
The solution was to follow the menu path:
  Edit -> Preference -> Fonts,
then adjust the sizes of the Variable Width (Times) and Fixed Width (Courier)
fonts to taste.  I wound up with 12.0 and 10.0; your mileage may vary.
The results seem fine in normal, italic and bold, in all sizes,
even with the standard Debian distributed fonts.

Can you cite specific Web pages that yield poor results?


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