
        How can I assign keys to Cut, Copy, and Paste in XEmacs.  Ideally,  
they would not be lots of keystrokes combined.

        On a related note, my frien Bill Bumgartner once gave me the  
included function for my .emacs file...it causes the paste command to replace  
the selection.   How can I make it work here?

          ;; clear-and-paste
          ;; Replaces current region with yank-buffer and moves point to end of
          ;; freshly yanked text.  If no selection, simply inserts text.
          (defun clear-and-paste (p)
                "Act like Text object paste.  That is-- paste yank buffer,  
current selection (if any) and move point to end"
                (interactive "*d")
                (let ((newPoint 0))
                        (cond ((eval mark-active)
                                   (delete-region p (mark))))
                        (setq newPoint (point)))
                  (goto-char newPoint)))

     ;; Replace more like text object
      (setq delete-selection-mode t)

                        - B

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