On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 06:20:36PM -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote:
> 18:15 ~ $ /usr/bin/gnumeric 
> /usr/bin/gnumeric: error in loading shared libraries:
> /usr/lib/libgnomeui.so.32: undefined symbol: gdk_imlib_get_cache_info

GNUmeric is arguably one of the best if not the best spreadsheet.

What you should to is 'dpkg --configure -a' then 'apt-get -f install' 
to fix whatever you broke.  If that doesn't work 'apt-get remove gnumeric'
'dpkg --purge gnumeric' 'apt-get install gnumeric'  this should install 
gnumeric and it's dependencies.  This is assuming you have you 
/etc/apt/sources.list set to slink only.

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
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