John Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have absolutely no idea why, but my slink boxes with ppp-pam
> installed require an extra field in pap-secrets for dial-in PPP
> to work, like so:
>  rich    molec3  ""      * *
> If you still have problems after changing "molec3" to your hostname,
> try that.

hmm... That's odd.  I'll give it a try and see what happens.

> To any PPP experts out there who know what I'm talking about,
> please tell me what this extra field signifies so I can sleep 
> at night...

Indeed.  Inquirer minds want to know. :-)

        bob billson       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ham: kc2wz
   (\                                /)
  {|||8-   beekeeper ...3 years   -8|||}     Linux!  Because there is
   (/    60,000 head of livestock    \)              no place like $HOME.
"CIA terrorist NSA bomb spy KGB drugs nuclear agent war GCHQ... Hi Echelon!"

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