(This is a sort-of unrelated email, so it gets its own thread. :)

When I upgraded from 2.0.37 under SuSE to 2.2.6, I had to change a few
things, but sound worked still. When 2.2.7 was released, I upgraded, and
sound promptly broke. The prevailing wisdom at the time said 2.2.7 had some
very drastic memory fragmentation issues, and the sound driver required
larger chunks of memory than the fragmented memory could offer. (I saw a
summary of this fragmentation, (and lack of, under 2.2.6) using the magic
sysrq key..)

Would someone please confirm or deny that the latest 2.2.x plays sounds
quite nicely? And, would someone please confirm or deny that the latest
2.2.x no longer munges up filesystems? I would like to upgrade to 2.2.x (no
real reason, it just seems cooler. :) but I would like to avoid the trouble
I had the last time I did it. (I even followed the Changes suggestions for
everything except NFS -- which I don't use..)

Thanks. :)

Seth Arnold | http://www.willamette.edu/~sarnold/
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