On Sat, Sep 18, 1999 at 07:32:38AM -0400, add|ct|on wrote:
> Greetings...
> I know I'm going to get a lot of responses to the tone of "read the
> how-to" or "check the archives" but I have to post my question
> anyway, as I have done both and I'm still clueless.
>  My question is this: I do not have a domain of my own, and connect
> to the net via PPP. I use sendmail when I'm in text mode (which
> honestly I prefer over X-Windows), and for months I've been trying
> to figure out how (or if) I can make my sender address stop looking
> like this:
>  From: <my "real name" here as I set it when adding a user account>
> <my user [EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Morpheus is, of course, my "hostname", or
> what I named my computer.)

I tried to do exactly this for a long time and never could get it to
work right.  About the time I figured it out how to do it, I
discovered mutt, and never looked back.  Since then, I've reinstalled
sendmail, and I'm not sure if my solution works any more.

The solution that I used (and that I'm about to try again, now that
you've reminded me) is in the sendmail FAQ at
http://www.sendmail.org/faq/ .  I think it's question 3.2.

The solution that I use now is mutt.  It took me about a day to learn
to appreciate mutt, and now I use it even when (if) I'm in X.



I tried the clone syscall on me, but it didn't work.
        -- Mike Neuffer trying to fix a serious time problem

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