
This may not be a tcpd issue.  If it is, then you should experience a
delay just before "Connection closed..." message and be able to see
one or two connections to your auth port (aka ident) from the target
machine in a TIME_WAIT state:

% netstat | grep auth

Otherwise, in case it's happening *sometimes*, it could be faulty cables
or faulty software.  From what you wrote it's not possible to discover
this.  You should check with netstat what was going on on a particular



On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 06:50:44PM +0200, Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed Debian on my computer. Surprinsingly, sometimes when I
> try to stablish a telnet conection to my machine I obtain the following
> message:
> venus% telnet cambados.des.fi.udc.es
> Trying
> Connected to cambados.des.fi.udc.es.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> venus%
> I have tried to solve the problem by modifying the files
> /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny, but the conection is always
> refused.
> Thanks in advance,
>                 Manuel Arenaz
> -- 
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