Brad wrote:
> > Using group audio is a better solution, IMHO.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Please explain.
> If you use the group audio, only those users would be able to spy on you.
> Presumably you'd only add trusted users to the group.
> True, it doesn't make a difference for a single-user system setup.
This is a single user system, but I want to investigate this security
hole so any advice is appreciated, including exactly what to do to avoid
it. I have read all the Debian docs about sound setup etc., but this is
my first attempt to get it working. I want to add sound to my web site,
and I need the tools to make it work.

> > _____________________________________________________
> > The sound works fine now but the applications that use the sound system
> > do not work either as commands from xterm or as clicks on the menu. The
> > CD Players all work, the mixers,and some midi. Synaesthesia does not and
> > some others. I mean they do not even open a term or window.
> > Thanks for the assist.
> Synaesthesia from the menu won't bring up a window unless you have a CD in
> the drive. Is there one? Is the proper cdrom device configured in
> ~/.synaesthesia?
> - From an xterm, how are you invoking synaesthesia?
> Please post the command lines and any output, and the results of 'ls -l
> /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer*'.  Check ~/.xsession-errors for output
> from menu-run commands. Saying "The command 'mpg123 /mp3/file.mp3' gives
> an error message 'Can't open /dev/dsp!'" is more helpful than just "Sound
> doesn't work!".
At this point simply nothing, no windows, no error messages, NADA.

> i'd have to guess from your description that you're not giving the
> programs the proper command lines or you don't have the proper
> permissions set, since sound _is_ working.
The real problem is that I'm so new to sound applications that I do not
even know how/what questions to ask.... Sorry.  Thanks for the help. I
need to read/reread the docs on some of the individual applications.
They may not be configured correctly.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

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