I just got ssh set up and it works pretty slick, except for one little
detail...  One of the things I wanted to be able to do with ssh is dock
apps running on other machines and have them restart automatically when
I log in.  (i.e., have a wmmon for my local machine and another wmmon for
a remote machine running in my dock at all times)

When I originally drag the appicon over to the dock, it runs there just
fine, but if, for example, the appicon was for a

ssh -f remotehost wmmon

the dock icon's settings will show only


and killing the app instance and restarting it will, predictably, run the
new instance on the local machine.

I can get it to run on the remote machine by manually editing the dock
icon's command to include the ssh command, but this has another problem:
the instance creates a new appicon instead of running within the dock.

So, is there a way (preferably using ssh) to get Window Maker to run apps
on a remote host and display them in the dock?

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