Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
> Jim McCloskey wrote:
> > Hello, Manuel:
> >
> > [1] If you simply install the telnetd package, the daemon, I believe,
> >     will start running. If you reboot, it certainly will. So install
> >     it with:
> >
> >     dpkg --install
> >
> >     or:
> >
> >     apt-get install telnetd
> >
> >     and you should be fine.
> >
> > [2] The daemon is started in the file /etc/init.d/ which calls
> >     /usr/sbin/intetd (but obviously the program has to be installed on
> >     the system before inetd can start it).
> I have installed telnetd via "dpkg --install" and, after that, I have
> rebooted the machine. Nevertheless, the daemon was not started.

You are not going to see it until you telnet in.  It is started by inetd
as needed.

> What else do I have to
> configure in order to set up the telnet service? I have checked through
> the HOWTOs but I could not find any clue.
You're almost there.  Honest.

You should have a line like this in /etc/inetd.conf:

telnet      stream  tcp nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd 

If it is in there, and not commented out, you should already be able to
telnet in at this point.  If it's commented, uncomment it, then do a 

/etc/init.d/netbase restart  [would 'reload' work just as well here,

and you should be ready.

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