On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 11:33:38AM -0300, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
>       What is the proper way to configure exim for my home system? I
> tried eximconf, choosing "using smarthost" option (2) but it refuses my
> e-mail, saying that can't relay mail for destination.machine

I had the same problem, it's mostly because your addresses are not good
(i.e. the server don't like to receive a From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
instead of: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

You can change it in exim.conf in the last lines of the file (have also a look
to the /usr/doc/exim/spec.txt.gz file (don't print it; its about 256 pages!))

>       I would like to use any MUA (mutt, tkmail, tkrat, StarOffice,
> pine, ...) sending e-mail to localhost via smtp and when connecting to my
> ISP, exim should run its queue. 

No problem, exim will do the job (when the adresses will be correctly

>       Also I would like to have fetchmail get mail for all my users
> (currently, me and my wife) from my ISP, for each connection done by any
> user. Is there a global fetchmailrc or should I use a su -c to accomplish
> this? 

No, just one .fetchmailrc in each user /home/userx directory (no way to make
a link on a single file, fetchmail is very strict about the owner and group
of its files).


Jean-Yves Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Happiness is a hard disk.

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