*- On 27 Sep, Chris Ruvolo wrote about "Re: partition this thing!"
> At 11:02 PM 9/26/99 +0300, you wrote:
>>This is my first try at more than swap and /.    tiny /boot, giant
>>/home, right?  Anyone feel like helping?
> I don't think a separate partition for /boot would be a good idea.  /boot 
> is the default location for the kernel.  Having the kernel and init 
> (usually /sbin) on different partitions is probably bad.  I don't see how 
> that would work unless you mounted them both on the first pass (could take 
> some mucking around in your startup scripts, and generally not a good idea).

Sometimes you have to put /boot on a separate partition because of the
1024 cylinder limit of lilo.  I had to do this for my 17.2G drive(hdb)
that most of my Linux was on.  I made a small 15M partition on my
smaller drive(hda) for /boot and it works like a champ. 

See the Partition mini-HOWTO as well as the Large-Disk mini-HOWTO.

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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