I think this problem is with lilo. I am riding the bleeding edge upgrading 
roughly every night. Well yesterday when I upgraded there was an update for
lilo. Now I can't boot from the HD. It tells me this:

LILO boot:
Lodaing Linux
Uncompressing Linux...

crc error
 -- system halted

Now I've managed to get into the system (thanks to a boot disk) and removed the 
kernel package and reinstalled it to no avail. I've also recompiled a kernel
just to see what would happen. Nothing. Same error. 

I can boot off a floppy for a while, but I'd really like to get this figured 

Up until now following potato has been pretty painless. This is the first
problem I've encountered.

Any ideas?

Please reply directly I don't follow the list. Too much traffic :-)
Jason Murray - jmurray (at) computer (dot) org
"Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain"

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