On 30 Sep 1999, John Hasler wrote:

> Mario O.de Menezes writes:
> > That is, in Brazil, unfortunately, our daylight saving day changes from
> > year to year, and as a consequence, some times my date is wrong for 1 or
> > 2 days till it changes.
> I suppose this is a dumb question, but why would anyone bother with
> daylight savings time in a tropical country?

our government! and they haven't any plans for the future, that is, if I
would like to know the begin and end of the daylight saving in year 2005
I'll have to wait till approximately August/2005 when government will make 
the law :-(

Mario O.de Menezes            "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
    IPEN-CNEN/SP                 is the Lord's purpose that prevails"
http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario                 Prov. 19.21

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