Editing the file to correct the spelling of optional for aleph-dev and aleph-doc
and then touching the file to match the others does not work if you want to
use dselect (for me at least). I was able to successfully upgrade my system
after editing and touching the file to correct the errors and then running 
upgrade. dselect still barfs on me though, even after a successful upgrade with


>On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 05:55:00PM +0000, Adam Olejniczak wrote:
>> Oleg Krivosheev wrote:
>> > > Reading Package Lists... Error!
>> > > E: Malformed Priority line
>> > > E: Error occured while processing aleph-dev (NewVersion1)
>> here is a problem
>> >
>> > > E: Problem with MergeList
>> > > /var/state/apt/lists/ftp.pl.debian.org_pub_debian_dists_unstable_main_binary-i3

>> > >
>> > > 86_Packages
>> > > E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
>> > >
>> > > when i'm doing Update
>> > >
>> > > when I'm using stable version everything is working just fine
>> > >
>> > > any ideas ?
>> > >
>> > > thanks for help
>> > >
>> > > Regards
>> > > Adam Olejniczak
>> > >
>> >
>> > exactly the same problem today morning only the server is
>> > http://ftp1.us.debian.org
>> >
>> > any help is greatly appreciated
>> >
>> > Oleg
>> so solution is to edit file
>> ftp.pl.debian.org_pub_debian_dists_unstable_main_binary-i386_Packages
>> or what ever ftp server you use
>> and remove all the information about aleph
>> save the file go to dselect sjip update and go to select, install and so
>> and it works (for me at least :-)
>Or correct the spelling of "optionnal" to "optional" for aleph and
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