I would suggest one based on the Trident 4DWave chipset.  These things can be 
for as low as $15, and they are excellent sound cards.  Not to mention the Linux
support is great due to Trident releasing all the necessary specs to the ALSA 


Robert Kerr wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm looking for a good PCI soundcard for my new computer.  Preferably
> non-PnP, although I can work with it if necessary.  I would like it to
> work under OS/2, Linux, and Win95 (for games).  Are there any suggestions?
> Thanks
> --
> -bob
> You know you've landed with the wheels up when it takes full power
> to taxi.
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> * [EMAIL PROTECTED]             *      Phone: (801) 378-2029       *
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Man is by nature a political animal.
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