For a dual boot - why not go to a computer store and buy one of those things where you can swap hard drives like disks? They are around 30$, then for linux get a cheap 3 gig. you could run the same, but I would reccomend more space for nt.


----Original Message Follows----
From: Peter Mickle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Dave Wiard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux/NT dual booting
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 17:40:25 -0400

Dave Wiard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> i want to boot both NT and Linux directly from the hard disk (dual boot).. is > this even possible with an x86 machine? i want the x86 machine to somewhat > match my Alpha, but i've never been successful in getting this to work.. NT > always f*%@(^ up my boot sector.. could someone help me out with how to make
> this work?
> DOS boot partition on hda1
> Linux on hda2
> NT on hdb1
> Dave Wiard
> CS - Western Washington University
> --
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dave -

i have slink + NT workstation 4.0 on the same machine both booting from the
hard drive. i followed the instructions + downloaded appropriate software
(required only for NT part) from
and everything worked smoothly


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