On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Kam Yee Lo wrote:

> Just curious about Debian running dual celeron with better FPU? I'm
> thinking of  installing Debian on dual celeron for CAD. Is dual celeron
> 500mhz faster than Pentium III 500mhz? I want good debian linux and
> cheap dual celeron :)
> Anyone have dual celeron AbIT motherboard?
> Thanks
> Griz

Hi Kam,
I am running an Abit BP6 with 2 x Celeron 400s.  It usually behaves itself
but is very sensative to heat.  I get lockups every now and then because
of the BX chip overheating.  The heatsink that comes on the board on top
of the BX doens't provide enough heat dissipation <sp>.  What I and a few
others from the linux-smp list have done is put a small Socket7 CPU 
fan+heatsink on top of the chip and it seems to cool things down somewhat.
My case is a mess of fans.  I have one fan sucking air out the back, one
fan blowing air in the front, and one fan laying directly on top of the
two processors [each CPU gets 1/2 the fan].  

Use MPS v1.4 mode selectable in the BIOS because it gets you a lot more
IRQs and other stuff that I don't know enough about.  If you have a bus
mastering PCI SCSI card put it in PCI2.  USB and the last two PCI slots
share IRQs I think.  The onboard ATA66 doohickey works with a patch from
The Linux IDE Guy (tm).  

                Ian Ehrenwald

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