On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 01:58:36PM -0700, Rik Burt wrote:
> Where can I find the Motif software.  I am aware that it is a commercial
> product but I don't know where to look for it.  I am interested because
> the Netscape pkg that dselect has requires it for certain versions of
> netscape.

You can get a list of available commercial third party vendors of motif on
http://www.rahul.net/kenton/GettingMotif.html. Just for ref, Metro Link motif
2.1 is currently priced at $149.

A free clone of Motif, LessTif, is available as a debian package and on
www.lesstif.org. The dynamically linked version of netscape does not really
work correctly with it, however.

You can always get a statically netscape which will work correctly and save
you some bucks, but it will be bigger...


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