To turn off the sunrpc/portmap daemon (or whatever it's called) in potato you 
just do an 'update-rc.d -f portmap remove', and '/etc/init.d/portmap stop'. 
Then it
will be off and won't restart. If you ever want it to start up automatically 
you'll have know it's priority in the rc?.d dirs though, as update-rc.d removes 
the symlinks in those directories.

If I remember right in slink you need to comment out several lines in
/etc/init.d/netstd_init (netbase,netstd_misc... hmm not sure which), then 
that init.d file.

BTW a much better way of seeing what services are listening for connections on 
machine (as opposed to portscanning) is to get the package 'lsof' and do an 
'lsof -i'
as root.

Hope that helps,
Chris Schleifer

Lev Lvovsky wrote:

> Hello,
> could someone please let me know how to restart all of the apache www
> daemons that are running so that it'll read the changes made in the
> httpd.conf file?
> 'apache restart' doesn't do anything
> is there a generally accepted way of doing this for all 'net daemons?
> also, i'm sruprised nobody knows how to shutoffthe sunrpc daemon (or at
> least that's what I believe it is when I portscan my machine)...any clues
> as to where I could find info on this?
> thank you!!
> -lev
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