> Hi,
> before I compiled Pine source, I set the right options. But Pine send the
> [Not allowd to change header "From"] message when I start compose. I have
> an elder version, too. It workd fine before I install this newer 4.10. But
> now it says also "Not allowd...". What did I do wrong? (It's not allowd
> for each user e.g root :(
> Thanks for your reply.

At the main pine screen, press 'S', then 'R'.  Press 'A' to add a role.
Bring the cursor down to "Set From".  Change it to where you want mail to
look like its coming from.  The rest of a values you can probably leave as
defaults.  Press 'E' to exit the role and answer yes to any "Do you want
to save ..." questions.  Now back at the role screen you should see the
role you just created.  

When you want to send mail using that role, press '#' at pine's main
screen.  Select the role you created, and proceed as normal.  

                --Ian Ehrenwald

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