I have just dowloaded and installed the WingzPro Spredsheet program. I
did follow all of the instructions but I'm not sure what to do next. I
wil post the pertinent instructions, but I do not know exactly how to
implement them.

Launching Instructions
The following example shell script includes commands for
launching both the Wingz and WingzPro products.
Select the appropriate line for the product you want to launch.

   setenv WINGZ3 /path_to_install_directory
   ${WINGZ3}/bin/WingzPro               # Wingz Professional
   ${WINGZ3}/bin/Wingz                  # Wingz 
Any suggestions will be appreciated. I am sure this is probably very
simple, but it is likely a little more Unixey than I can deal with. BTW
I use a bash shell as my default but have csh available. Thanks!
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

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