sounds like a DNS issue, run a reverse lookup on the IP and see what comes
out. you can also add this line to your /etc/resolv.conf


that will cause the system to search the local domain when you ping a
hostname. for me if i pinged the host galactica, resolv.conf would
automatically try

but it looks more to be a DNS thing.  the hostname may not be a valid
(Domain Name) host. that can be checked by trying to resolve the full if it resolves the problem is on the client machine(the
/etc/resolv.conf shit)


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      Linux System Administrator 
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
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On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, J.M. "Jersey" Miszczyk wrote:

> Hi there :),
> I just installed DHCP client on Debian slink machine. It works almost 
> fine.... it just does not pick up the host name :(. It is seen on the 
> network by its IP address only. If I ping it by the name from the local 
> console it responds that the host name is not known (I removed its static 
> IP entry from the "hosts" file).
> Any suggestions will be appreciated :)
> Best regards
> "Jersey"
> -- 
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