
I use my_hdr in .muttrc and it works just fine. But I use smail. Maybe you just 
need to check $sendmail variable - add some magic key or something. Or maybe 
it's a problem of slink package - I work with potato.


> Hi Folks,
> I've got an annoying little problem in mutt with the From: line of my
> email. At least, I think it's in mutt. This is on a slink system with
> the slink version of mutt.
> Mutt lets you set the From: line of the email, either through `my_hdr
> From:', or by pressing ESC f when the message has been composed. But for
> some reason, but for some reason it's ignoring both of these and putting
> in my actual email address.
> Why would I want to put in a fake address? Well, basically I use qmail,
> and it allows you put a -whatever after the name part of the email
> address to redirect mail. For example, I'm subscribed to this list as
> dm-debian-user@ and I can have mail to that address sent to a particular
> mailbox, or whatever. It's very handy for mailing lists and what have
> you.
> I subscribed to a mailing list as dm-something@ and when I tried to
> change a subscription detail, it kept telling me damon@ was not
> subscribed to the list. 
> I also use qmail (self built) on my own machine. All mail is sent to a
> maildir, and when I connect to my ISP, ip-up runs maildirsmpt and
> transfers all my mail to my ISPs SMTP server (works really well for a
> dial-up machine). So all my outbound mail gets sent to a local maildir
> before it is delivered. When I check the From: line, it's always damon@,
> not dm-something@, even if it has said dm-something@ in mutt.
> I can't find anything in my muttrc that would account for this. I also
> somehow doubt that qmail is rewriting a MUA-generated line (but I could
> be wrong).
> Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm sure this was working fine once,
> and it's just recently that it's changed - but maybe I'm just going mad.
> Cheers,
> damon
> -- 
> Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
> * Criminologist                     /  It's a sense of irony
> * Webmeister                       /  disguised as one.
> * Linux Geek                      /     - Bruce Sterling 
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

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