
I've downloaded and upgraded KDE from 1.1.1. to 1.1.2 on my slink system
and now I've one little problem - KFM stoped to show me contents of
folders and URLs. When I click on an folder or try to open any URL
kfmclient opens window but absolutely empty and works forever trying to
show contents of dir/URL. Is it normal in KDE 1.1.2 ? I cannot watch
contents of anything on disk since upgrade. Can anbody help me?

PS. Please reply to me on my priv address - I read this list from time to

o------------------o      ___
|Leszek Gerwatowski|    _/_|_\
o------------------o   (o\__/o)=)))))))))))))
"Don't fix it if it isn't broken"

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