Hi. I am doing a floppy install of debian. I am at the point of installing
the driver modules but am very confused. I have a 486sx computer with a
408mb hard drive and 16megs. of ram. I have made the first partition swap
with 32 megs and the rest a boot primary linux partition.

Anyway at the driver installation page I went to Block disks and disk like
devices. I installed, though I don't know what they do:
        Linear, paride, raid0, raid1, raid5.
I could not install one module though it really sounds important:
        xd    xt hard disk controller
I get a message like:
        Installation failed
        /lib/modules/2.0.36/blocked/xd.0: init_module: device or resource busy

Also in the Device drivers for cd-rom drives I see two that would seem to
fit my setup. I have a Mitsumi cd-rom manufactured in September 1993. I see
mitsumi cd-rom and mitsumi cd-rom with extended features. When I try to
install these I get an error message like:
        /lib/modules/2.0.36//cdrom/mcd.0 : init_module: device or resource busy
        eval: 1: syntax error : eof in backquote substitution
        script: cd /dev && rm -f cdrom && ln -s cdrom
        eval: 1: syntax error: eof in backquote substitution
Could anyone give me some advice? Should I try some of the other modules
like aztcd, cdrom, optcd, cm206…? Do I need to enter something in the
argument section on any of the above? Could that be why the installation

I am sorry to be such a bother. It's probably hard to understand why
someone with my lack of understanding would try to install. This is just
for my home use. If I cannot complete the install tonight do my partitions
stay intact? I am a man but I am nearly having tears of frustration, for as
I was typing this out a few minutes ago with a Win98 sitting nearby I
suffered a fatal exception and lost all the detailed questions that I am
asking here just before sending it. Aghhhhhhhhh


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