Hi Jeff,
  I'm rather new also, but in order to use <ctrl><alt><delete> you will
have to 
enter that into some file or other. Instead try the command: shutdown.
check out the man, but to use this command be sure to be root. So at the
prompt type:
   #shutdown -r now
   #shutdown -h now
 The -r is for reboot & -h is to halt  or shutoff the computer.
There are more options in the manual, in fact if you want to use the
three finger
salute, that to is in the man. Have fun                  Dean

jh wrote:
> Is there a best way to shut down linux and turn off your computer? I read
> in an online guide that you should press <ctrl><alt><delete>. When I do
> this and I later turn my computer on it says "last boot failed"...Then it
> installs. Is this the recommended way to turn off your computer?
> Jeff
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