A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Has anyone out thar, installed Linux onto a HP 8130, and if so, can they
> perhaps enlighten me as to how to tell the BIOS how to manually address a
> PCI network card.
> You will appreciate that a eth0 is a handy thing to have nowadays :-)

You could

1) Try the NIC in a different PCI slot
2) Go to the BIOS and set the field 'PnP OS' (or something to that
   effect) to 'No' or 'Off'.  IRQ0 is used by buggy BIOSes (ie all of
   them.  Literally.) to mean 'invalid IRQ'.  It usually happens when 'PnP
   OS' is set in the BIOS.  Incidentally, it only works with Win95/98.
3) Try a BIOS upgrade (ie flash your BIOS).  It could be a bug that's been
   resolved in a newer BIOS.

Another possibility: this thing has so much proprietary hardware, and
designed to work with Win9x so closely, you'd be fighting a lost cause to
get anything but Win9x running.

> I seem to be having some serious PnP problems with the ISA side as well with
> this system. The isapnp dump file looks OK with a AD sound card on IRQ5,
> however isapnp spits the dummy when booting up, with a cannot allocate type
> message message.

Again, try updating your BIOS.

> Once i get the cards going, maybe I can use the proxy on the network
> to get out, as I had to pull the ISA Multitech Modem that this system
> was installed with, because I believe by the way it was behaving it
> was a Windoze only deal. (Maybe the whole puking box is?).

It wouldn't surprise me.

Phil Brutsche                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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