-> Is that bad? most of my other filesystems are in the 1.5% range. This
-> seems to have happened after I through my /usr directory onto its own
-> partition... shortly thereafter, I noticed that it was 20.9%. I thought
-> that it may have been because I just moved a large chunk of it, but
-> after a couple of weeks, it has gotten larger instead of smaller... do I
-> have anything to worry about?

hmmm that can slow your file access down. you should try backing it
up,creating new filesystem and restoring it. there are programs which can
defragment the filesystem but they are not 100% working.
 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at NEXTRA, Slovakia; IRC admin of *.sk
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; http://www.fantomas.sk/; http://www.nextra.sk/
 Chernobyl was an Windows 95 beta test site.

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