Just to clarify:

GTK is C based, but language bindings/wrappers exist for several languages
(check http://www.gnome.org) , including C++.  The C++ wrapper is called


On 17-Oct-99 Salman Ahmed wrote:
>>>>>> "MF" == Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     MF> I am looking to start some graphic programing and the folowing
>     MF> toolkits are those that look most apropraite for serious user
>     MF> interfaces and graphics.  I was wondering how apropriate each of
>     MF> them is for writing serious programs, and if anyone can give me a
>     MF> comparison, or point me to information concerning the abeality of
>     MF> each of them.  Any recomendations of where to start?  Thanx
> This is kinda off-topic, but I would recommend either Qt or Gtk. Motif is
> IMO an old toolkit now. Qt and Gtk offer more features than Motif
> does. Development tools (GUI Builders) for Qt and Gtk are freely
> available. The really good Motif GUI builders are not freely available, and
> they cost quite a bit.
> Also, Qt is a C++ based object-oriented toolkit. Motif is C based.
> Not sure about Gtk, but I think that Gtk+ is also C++ based.
> Bottom line IMO is: forget about Motif, take a good look at Qt and/or
> Gtk/Gtk+.
> Check out freshmeat.net for Qt/Gtk/Gtk+ development tools. IIRC, currently
> there aren't any Qt development tools/gui builders in Debian.
> -- 
> Salman Ahmed
> ssahmed AT interlog DOT com
> -- 
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