(revised with a forgotten step)


        It was a terrible pain for me to get this card working with my  
potato system, so I for the benefit of any future souls clever enough to  
search the archives for help, here is (my understanding of) how it worked:

- Compile a new kernel with OSS native sound support.  It does not matter if  
you compile it with the specific support for the Ensoniq 1370/1371 or not.   
For a Debian system, I got the kernel source 2.2.12 package and did

        # cd /src/linux
        # zcat kernel-source-2.2.12.tar.gz | tar xf -
        # ln -s kernel-source-2.2.12 linux
        # cd linux
        # make menuconfig
                { Set lots of kernel choices, a tedious process. Do not
                        forget to include sound!}
        # make-kpkg clean
        # make-kpkg --revision=3:custom.1.0 kernel_image
                { This "3:" business is an 'epoch number' that will
                        later turn out to be incompatible with
                        ALSA, but I want it for kernel installations }
        # make-kpkg clean
        # make-kpkg --revision=foralsa.1.0 modules_image
                { We will not end up installing this one, but ALSA
                        will want a build with this name }

- Compile the ALSA modules

        # cd /src/linux
        # make-kpkg --revision=foralsa.1.0 modules_image
                { We cannot use the epoch scheme, so we do a
                        different revision}

- Install the new kernel and modules

        # cd /usr/src
        # dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.whatever_custom.1.0_i386.deb
        # dpkg -i alsa-modules-2.2.whatever_0.4.1b-1+foralsa.1.0_i386.deb

- Let ALSA configure itself

        # alsaconfig
                {One mistake to avoid: I was not sure if I needed ens1370
                        or ens1371 -- even though it autodetected ens1370
                        I actually thought the latter was what I wanted.
                        So I chose both.  Big problems.}

- Reboot (we're not finished yet)

        # reboot

- Get the driver going

        # modprobe snd-card-ens1370
        # amixer set "Master" unmute
        # amixer set "Master" 100%
        # amixer set "CD" unmute
        # amixer set "CD" 100%
        # amixer set "PCM" unmute
        # amixer set "PCM" 100%

- Try playing a CD and some sounds.  You'll probably want to play with those  
volumes a little.

Things I am still trying to figure out:

        - Why do I get constant hissing whenever the volume is at an audible  
setting or above?

        - Is it better to have the Master volume at high settings and the  
others low, or vice versa?

        - Will I need to do anything for the Joystick port?



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