On Thu, Oct 21, 1999 at 03:57:19PM -0700, Rik Burt wrote:
> In moving from slink to potato I have managed to break dpkg.  Whenever I
> run dselect or try to 'force' in dpkg I get a segmentation fault.
> I believe I have exhausted every man page and all documentation on my
> system.
> Does anyone have an idea how I can get dpkg working again at least or at
> most make dselect work.  (I know they work together)
> I have a committed a cardinal sin in that I didn't write down the
> package that started the problem but I have a sneaking suspicion it was
> the dpkg update.

Will dpkg atleast give you "dpkg -l <pkg>" ourput? If so can you see which
versions of dpkg and libc6 you have on your system and in what state?

# dpkg -l libc6 dpkg

This would help a lot. Perhaps you got caught in between on what was needed
for the libc6 2.0 -> 2.1 upgrade.


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