On 21/10/99 David Jardine wrote:

...wouldn't it be nicer if I knew what the deleted program had left on
my system?

well most programs do not run as root, this means that its literally impossible for the program to spew crap all over the filesystem after installation (unlike some other OSes *cough* macos windoze *ahem*) when you are logged in as a ordinary user the programs you run have the same privileges you do (except for a very small minority that require an extra privilege or two, but those do not spew crap where they shouldn't) and thus CANNOT write anywhere except /home/you /tmp and /var/tmp the tmps are cleaned up automatically I believe with the boot scripts and cron jobs.

I suspect you are coming from win* or macos and are used to crappy things like `self repair' read randomly spew files all over the place, which makes true deinstallation impossible.

generally you can expect alot of software to install a configuration file or directory in the user's home but its up to the user to keep track of that and clean up as needed.

Best Regards,
Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/pgp/

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