On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 04:28:29PM +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> Not debian related but i need help nonetheless.
> i need to extract the number 997841138254, or any other number from that
> position, from an hl7 file.  The file will look like this :
> MSH.......OBR|0001||997841138254|..........F
> I can use "OBR" as the starting point of the search and then use the "|" to
> move to the begginning of the number...
> What would be the best way of doing this.. maybe i can use a vi script to
> search and extract the number for me.  I don't know how to select a segment
> of a line and write that to a file though.. i am not too familiar with sed
> although i would like to be as it seems rather powerful :)  Any suggestions
> would be appreciated.

Not sed, but:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

while(<>) {
        @array = split /\|/, $_;
        print "$array[3]\n" if $#array > 3;

You might have to change the subscipts. Use it like

$ ./mysplit.pl < myfile.txt
| Eric G. Miller                        egm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

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