Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to upgrade my browser. Should I try mozilla or netscape 4.7 ?
> Perhaps I would do better if I'll keep my current 4.06 ?  
> I am using potato.

I dislike Netscape more and more with each new version. I am using 4.7
with Potato and find it unstable. If you open another window, and later
close one of the windows, netscape just disappears. It usus inordinate
amounts of memory and causes my swapfile to grow when I have already
128MB of RAM. I suspect a memory leak. It sometimes freezes, sometimes
takes ages before it will let you type anything into the url box etc..
etc.. It really is the one app which lets Linux down and is the app I
have to use most. As we say in the UK, it is pants.

If 4.06 works OK for you and is relatively stable, keep it. I am waiting
*very* impatiently for the Linux version of Opera to be released. OK, I
will have to pay for it, but it will worth it to say goodbye to

BTW, I have tried Navigator and Communicator as Debian packages, as a
tar.gz using the Debian installer and without. Pants however I install

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

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