I have been reading the Linux Programming published by WROX press. It is a
great set of books from Beginner to MasterClass. 

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, John Carline wrote:

> Stephan Engelke wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 01:30:34PM +0200, Benak Istvan wrote:
> > > Someone tell me how can I find a doc about C programing (I downloaded
> > > the Programmer's Guide, but I can't programming under C, so I want to
> > > learn it!)
> > > So I need a doc for lammers!
> >
> > How 'bout "Kerninghan, Ritchie:  The C Programming Language". Sorry,
> > forgot the publisher.
> > There's a score of other good, allright, and bad books around.  Check
> > your local bookstore.
> >
> <cut> <snip>
> After spending the last two days trying to convert a C program I wrote some 6 
> years
> ago in microsoft C into linux. I just have to echo this question.
> Is there no linux specific/best book that covers gcc and g++.  One that 
> includes all
> the standard library calls . I currently have four books on C (not the 
> Kerninghan
> book though. I'll have to go look at it) and they're basically worthless. I'm 
> not
> sure if it's that they're simply too old or too 'microsoft', but I'd love to 
> find a
> book on gcc that would be a simple but complete reference for the occasional C
> programer.
> O'Reilly are you listening??
> John
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