Art Lemasters ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>      My potato system is stopping for a very long time at
> Starting printer spooler:
> then, after 15 minutes or so,
> "1999-10-25-18:05:08.036 Get_local_host: hostname 'heart' bad"

Normally this is caused by an attempt to consult a name server that
can't be reached.

>       Before this happened, I changed the bind config to forward
> only, and uncommented the /etc/named.conf line:
> query-source 53;
> I changed some /etc/init.d/network lines to give my Linux OS
> and the gateway (Cisco 675 router/modem)
> The ethernet card was configured to have
> I also had changed the /etc/resolv.conf file to add my ISP's
> nameservers.

I don't understand all of that (specifically, the query-source part).

First, make sure you've got a fully qualified domain name for your
hostname in /etc/hosts.  You probably don't have 'heart' (is that your
hostname?) in /etc/hosts, or you don't have it fully qualified.  Make up
a domain name if you have to -- I use ".local" on all of my boxes.             localhost           jekyll.local    jekyll hyde.local hyde           dwarf.local     dwarf phoenix.local phoenix           fishy.local     fishy

Second, make sure that, in your boot sequence, you can get to your ISP's
name servers whenever you're running something that needs to talk to
the Internet.  E.g., if you start ntpdate to synchronize with a time
server on the Internet, make sure you can actually reach the Internet
when ntpdate starts up....

Finally, make sure you consult local files first during name resolution.
In /etc/nsswitch.conf, you should have:

  hosts:          files dns

Greg Wooledge                    | "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |   Red Hot Chili Peppers, |

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