i've had that prob too on an aha 2940UW.  it appears to be fixed in the
newer versions of bootdisks(if there are newer?) since i havent seen that
problem on my machine in a while.. i also heard rumors that the aic78xx
driver doesnt like to co exist with other scsi drivers and there was a
boot disk with ONLY the aic78xx scsi driver on it which solved the


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On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Lyno Sullivan wrote:

> I am trying to install Debian 2.1.  My system hangs after writing the
> following messages to the screen.  I have tried every BIOS, hardware and
> bootprompt I can think of.  Can anyone help me or does anyone know if it is
> hanging in the SCSI initialization or if it has completes SCSI and is
> hanging on the next device?
> I reviewed the specs on my American Portwell ROBO-578 single board computer
> (SBC) http://www.americanportwell.com/ which has an on board Intel 82558
> 10/100 BaseT ethernet device.  I thought that might be the problem so I
> disabled it but that didn't help.  I am stumped on this one.
> **** LOG ****
> (scsi0)<Adaptec AIC-7880 Ultra SCSI host adapter> found at PCI 6/0
> (scsi0) Wide Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
> (scsi0) Downloading sequencr code... 419 instructions downloaded
> -- 
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