i have yet to even touch apt ..whats so good about it ??

i always have used dftp to update my stuff ..works great.


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On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Peter Ross wrote:

> On 27-Oct-1999, Bart Szyszka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >     * apt (the tool to keep your distribution up to date), it is by far
> > >       the best part of Debian.  The best bit about it is its ability to
> > >       get packages from multiple sources and always pick up the latest
> > >       one.
> > 
> > What about up2date, though? I heard it was a program for Red Hat
> > that performs the same functions that apt does.
> > 
> Never heard of it.  If it has the similar functionality to apt, great!
> Pete
> -- 
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