I get a segfault when starting Enlightenment/Gnome (from pototato) about
20% of the time (logging in from xdm).  I have an AMD chip..  not sure
which one though.

I just started using Enlightenment (had been using WindowMaker) and I must
say I'm *very* impressed and other than the occasional segfault on
startup, I'm very happy with it. 


On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Ingo Reimann wrote:

> Hi,
> just a stupid thing:
> I just introduced a K6-3 400, not overclocked, into my system, and after
> that, i only get segfaoult if i want to start enlightenment/gnome. Has
> anyone experiences with this? Normaly it should work...
> Thanks,
> ingo
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>         I. Reimann                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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