Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
> Hi all,
> After reading 1/2 ton of doc, I don't have answers.
> I'd like to know if its possible to:
> * setup 2 printers on my server (one //, the other serial)
>   and use them remotely from W$, without special trick
>   to switch from one to the other
> * Use them also from a Linux station, without changing 
>   /etc/printcap on it, each time I want to print on a
>   different printer

I recently read the same 1/2 ton.  In the end I decided to do nothing.
Which is the right thing.
Thanks to the debian-way, it is all set up to work automagically.

I only have one printer.  It works under Linux with magicfilter.  
The printcap entry is lp (no kidding).  You can add another for the
serial one. (lps ?)

With the default samba/smb.conf file, this printer showed up as a 
'share' on the W98 explorer.  At that point I installed, on W98 the right
driver for my printer, using the drivers provided by W98.  (It's an HP).
Magicfilter sees that it is PCL and happily prints whatever I give it from

In summary; do nothing, samba scans your printcap file and the printers will
show up on W98, then install them under W98.


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