I was in xwindows today reading the information under Debian online help
and specifically the ethernet Howto, clicked on 3com to read
documentation and that's when nothing happened. Everything froze, except
my hard drive. The light kept going, blinking but I couldn't exit,
shutdown, cntrl/alt/backspace, q, cntrl/alt/del, mouse wouldn't work,
keyboard froze, nothing. I had to shut down the power after three hours
of nothing happening. I was in root, and I don't know what I may have
done to files etc. Can someone please tell me what to do next. I haven't
gone back into Debian yet, however I was able to start win95 without a
problem and I have cleaned the hard drive and I am going to completely
scandisk the hard drive and fix auto. I'll come back to this list in a
little while.TIA.Ray Ferrari

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