Answer: linear...

[or lilo -l ]

boots fine now.  Found this tidbit in an old lilo users guide at

though I should have thought of this earlier...


Dan Hugo wrote:
> Greetings-
> I am getting the
> LI_  (flashing _)
> at boot of my newly installed slink on a dual PPro machine.
> I have a 14G IBM drive in there with /dev/hda1 partitioned to 200Megs,
> exactly the same as another identical drive in my normal machine (in
> other words, both have /dev/hda1 sizes the same, and the drives are the
> same model).
> I just built kernel 2.2.1 and put it in /boot
> I have been getting LI_ since I rebooted from the first install (from
> CD).  I used these very CDs to install on my normal machine.
> My normal machine works great (dual PIII).
> I've read some comments on this, and the response comments are usually
> either that lilo was not run properly to setup the boot blocks on the
> drive (I've done this a few times, and it seems to be telling me what I
> expect it to) or that the kernel is outside of the first 1023 cylinders.
> I don't think it is either of these... what else could it be?
> Some stats:
> Tyan S1668 ATX Dual PPro with dual 180/512 PPros
> IBM 14G drive (7200 RPM, the letter designation escapes me at this
> moment)
>   Drive setup as "normal" in BIOS
>   DMA is disabled for now
> I would really appreciate some input here, as this one has me stumped
> (particularly due to the configuration of my normal machine, with
> partition size and drive model identical).
> Side Note:  I forgot to check the bios, and the drive was initially
> setup as LBA.  I had set /dev/hda1 to "maximize" in cfdisk. I was
> getting the "1EF:" error at boot (I believe that is the string...).  I
> changed bios to Normal, didn't maximize that partition, and made sure it
> was same as working config (re-partitioned), and reinstalled the base
> system from scratch again (a 10 minute ordeal, luckily).  This is where
> I am left.
> Thanks for any help
> Dan Hugo
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