On Sat, Nov 06, 1999 at 09:57:13PM -0500, Todd Suess wrote:
> I am actually trying to download the debs from the pine 4.20
> web page.  No matter how I try to download them, using http,
> they come out as corrupt when dpkg tries to install them.
> They are not available via ftp from the web site in question,
> and even using my windows machine I can't get them to
> download and moved to my potato box without them being
> corrupt.  I tried to download the tar source, and that worked
> ok, but the web browser whacked the diffs file and it would
> not compile.
> Any suggestions would be appreiciated.

Try using wget or dog.  They'll download http documents
non-interactively and with no interpretation.

There was a thread on these particular .deb's a few days ago on this
list; did you read it?

--Dylan Thurston

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