Last night I decided I'd attempt to upgrade a simple slink base
installation to potato, just to see how well it worked.  I installed the
base slink system and used apt via dselect to upgrade everything.  I am
truly amazed at how easy it was!  Everything just worked.  No reboots
required.  Man, I love Debian!

I did notice one bug, but I didn't submit it last night and I don't
remember enough of the details today.  It involved the installation of
NIS, which tried to overwrite a file from another package.  It was fixed
using dpkg --force-overwrite, but I don't remember what file or what
package it conflicted with.  Argh.  I didn't see this bug in the list of
current bugs for the NIS package, so I'm not really sure what to do.  8^(

Also, how can I install shadow passwords in potato?  I need them because
my other machines use them, and I use NIS to share passwords.  The users
can't log in to the potato machine because there is no /etc/shadow.  Would
it be enough to create a shadow file that contains nothing but "+:::::" or
however many colons are required in it?  Or is there more that must happen
for shadow passwords to work over NIS?

Many thanks to all the Debian developers who work to make this the best
Linux distribution available!


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