*- On 10 Nov, Hans Gubitz wrote about "suidmanager"
> Is suid.conf the right place to change permissions for files (here: xcdroast)?

suid.conf is a configuration file that keeps track of what certain file
permissions should be.  If the file in question is registered in
suid.conf and you modify the permissions by hand the cron script will
automatically change it back.

> Which scripts change suid.conf?

suidregister, suidunregister are the two 'programs' that should be used
to modify suid.conf.  These are typically called by the Debian packages
that set up the system files.  But the root user can also run it by
hand to add individual files to the list of files to manage.

> Where can I read about suidmanager?

man suid.conf
man suidregister
man suidunregister

Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering              |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University                   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

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