A "me too": NIS stopped working for me about a week ago.  All I did was
add a user, then "cd /var/yp; make".

Normal console login at the clients just spits me out as if I gave a bad
username or password.  gdm shakes and says, "Authentication service
cannot retrieve authentication info."  Logging in as root and then su to
a nis user gives:

# su hazelsct
su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.
Unknown colorls variable `do'.
Segmentation fault

Until a couple of days ago, su worked (with the warning and the
Ignored), then it stopped around Tuesday.

ps auwx | grep yp gives four ypbind processes on the client, and on the
master it gives the same plus ypserv, rpc.yppasswdd -e chsh and

I've tried re-initializing the server, another "cd /var/yp; make",
looking diligently at the debian howto, but nothing works.

Oh- logins work fine on the master.

Any help would be much appreciated, even an explanation of the
conditions which lead to this error message.

-Adam P.

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